Dr. Suneel Dhand on cardiology
I am a cardiothoracic surgeon and I think I'm pretty accomplished. You are correct in your assessment. I don't own Jets and I don't own fancy cars. I am actually the last of my family and all my money goes to St Jude's Children's Hospital and Shriners Hospital. I travel all over the world to do cardiothoracic surgery. I do a lot of pediatric VSD procedures. I DONT DO IT FOR THE MONEY !!!
Question: Why are cardiologists so dumb?
Answer: To quote Upton Sinclair, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on him not understanding it."
I got diagnosed with atherosclerosis. The cardiologist asked if I smoked and how much exercise I did. No other mention of lifestyle or diet, just a handful of pills and a suggestion of an angiogram. Now I eat low carb, avoid seed oils, and weight train 3x a week. I regard myself as no longer a heart patient, and no longer consult cardiologist. I salt all my food, eat heaps of animal fat, and intermittent fast, and no longer take medications.
I'm a nurse in the NHS and I can honestly say I have never heard the words insulin resistance come out of a Dr's (or many nurses) mouth. Dr's are more aware that inflammation is a disease driver and CRPs are measured regularly, but I find their overall understanding of disease process severely lacking.